Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Waiting to Meet with the Judge.

We signed papers yesterday that were submitted to the court. It turns out the judge was away for a funeral today, so he is supposed to look at them tomorrow. With any luck, we'll get an audience with him tomorrow. Of course, this won't count as our "pre-court." We still have that and then court. I can't figure this place out with their strange court procedures. From what I understand, "pre-court" is like a drive-thru interaction with some legal people.

We continue to have LG over for dinner in the evenings. You'd think that a little girl from an orphanage would like just about anything, but she seems to have definite likes and dislikes. She'll try anything, but you can tell what she likes and what she doesn't.

We were scheduled to leave Kazakhstan on November 15, but it looks like I'm going to have to change that. I think we may have had our court date by then and perhaps have taken LG out of the orphanage permanently, but we will have to catch a flight to Almaty afterwards and the plane to Almaty only leaves three days a week. Plus we will have about 5 days of additional work with the U.S. and Kazakhstan governments in Almaty. We're now thinking of having Jo Ann fly home after we get to Almaty and then LG and me finishing up everything. Jo Ann has to stay for our court appearance, but after LG is declared our daughter, one of us can go.

It's gotten really cold here. The daily walks to the grocery stores have gotten less and less fun in the morning. I can see them coming to an end soon.

Thanks for all of your comments and personal e-mails. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

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