Monday, November 13, 2006

Here is a picture of Jo Ann, Kate (our translator) and Alex (or driver). They are in front of the orphanage. The writing is in Kazakh and it is pronounced "Zas Dahren." I can't recall what it means. You can also see a nice puddle from all of the rain.
We're starting to run out of activities on our evenings with LG. Tonight we got desperate and bought "Ice Age 2." It was in English and Russian. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to play the video in Russian with English subtitles, so we didn't get through the whole video. We'll watch the rest of it tomorrow.
I think LG is practicing her English by herself when she is back at the orphanage on her own. After working with her on her colors and not getting very far, she knew all of them today when we picked her up.
It hasn't rained here for a couple of days, which is nice. Our pre-court is in two days. We will also be given a real court date during that proceeding. We are really hoping and praying for a court date this week.