Friday, October 27, 2006

Day 4 of our 14-Day Bonding Period
Since it was a school day for LG today, we planned to again meet with her around 3:30. We therefore had time to again go to the outdoor market. We needed to buy LG a snow hat because everyone at the orphanage gave us dirty looks because we didn't have a snow cap on LG yesterday.
On the way, we saw a children's clothing store that we had never noticed before and we went in and found some very nice sweat pants. We bought a pair along with a shirt. We brought them to the orphanage today and these were the best fitting clothes that we have bought up to this point. We think we might buy some more pants and another shirt tomorrow at the same place. Today's picture is of Jo Ann buying some hair things for LG at the outdoor market.
Jo Ann is on a quest to find souveniers and we managed again to find some today. We also bought some groceries. We walk a long way to the nice grocery store, but they have the best tasting bread we can find.
Our visit with LG went very well. We again took her off site. We went to a kid-oriented cafe and had probably the weirdest tasting "milk shakes" ever. Mine was "fruit" flavored. It tasted like cough syrup. We again bought LG some chips. In addition to crab, and sour cream & onion, there was bacon flavored so we got her those. She really liked them.
There was a play area next to the cafe that was like a Chuck-E-Cheeze sort of place. LG played there and really had a fun time. She had never been in a place like that. She got to take a baloon back to the orphanage as a reminder of her time there.
While we were in the cafe, we taught LG how to write her name in English. She picked it up pretty fast. She also did a good job writing her new last name. I brought a coloring book and crayons with us and LG colored us a picture of a cat.
It's getting harder and harder to leave her at the orphanage. You can tell that LG wants to spend as much time with us as she can. Despite having her friends there, it doesn't seem like a real happy place.
Tomorrow is Saturday so we will be seeing LG at around 11:00.