Friday, January 19, 2007
Home Six Weeks
Even though Rosa was officially a citizen of the U.S when she landed in New York, her official Certificate of Citizenship arrived about a week ago. Her Social Security card arrived about a week before that.
We knew that Rosa was going to probably require some significant dental work and we were right. Her initial checkup indicated that she had one tooth that had some significant decay and needed out. She also had five cavities that needed filled. The dentist decided to do the work over three follow-up visits. Well, the first follow-up visit started out well, but when he started drilling on her first tooth, evidently the pain killer was not working right because she complained of a lot of pain. He then tried to give her another shot of pain killer and she would not open her mouth. After about an hour of the dentist and Jo Ann trying to get her to open her mouth, the dentist gave up and referred her to his "problem patient" dentist across town. This dentist uses an IV to knock patients out.
So we went to this dentist's office and we were amazed to find out that he had once served a Mormon mission to Russia and still spoke Russian very well. He was able to calm Rosa down and got the tooth filled without using an IV. He later removed the one tooth with the tooth decay, filled three other teeth, and capped another. The capped tooth is silver and Rosa really likes it.
Rosa has a good teacher at school who is spending some needed extra time with her in class. She also stays after school two days a week to work with the teacher on her math. We have also been working with her quite a bit at home with math, reading, and spelling. Her language is coming along, but she continues to use the word "me" rather than "I." She understands just about everything that is said around the house. In fact, she's been answering the phone lately, which has had mixed results.

Even though Rosa was officially a citizen of the U.S when she landed in New York, her official Certificate of Citizenship arrived about a week ago. Her Social Security card arrived about a week before that.
We knew that Rosa was going to probably require some significant dental work and we were right. Her initial checkup indicated that she had one tooth that had some significant decay and needed out. She also had five cavities that needed filled. The dentist decided to do the work over three follow-up visits. Well, the first follow-up visit started out well, but when he started drilling on her first tooth, evidently the pain killer was not working right because she complained of a lot of pain. He then tried to give her another shot of pain killer and she would not open her mouth. After about an hour of the dentist and Jo Ann trying to get her to open her mouth, the dentist gave up and referred her to his "problem patient" dentist across town. This dentist uses an IV to knock patients out.
So we went to this dentist's office and we were amazed to find out that he had once served a Mormon mission to Russia and still spoke Russian very well. He was able to calm Rosa down and got the tooth filled without using an IV. He later removed the one tooth with the tooth decay, filled three other teeth, and capped another. The capped tooth is silver and Rosa really likes it.
Rosa has a good teacher at school who is spending some needed extra time with her in class. She also stays after school two days a week to work with the teacher on her math. We have also been working with her quite a bit at home with math, reading, and spelling. Her language is coming along, but she continues to use the word "me" rather than "I." She understands just about everything that is said around the house. In fact, she's been answering the phone lately, which has had mixed results.